Mechanical Properties of Homogeneous Polymer Networks Prepared by Star Polymer Synthesis Methods
Y. Baba, G. Gao, T. Seki, K. Satoh, M. Kamigaito, T. Hoshino, K. Urayama, and Y. Takeoka,
Macromolecules, 54, 10468-10476 (2021).
Hybridization of Step-/Chain-Growth and Radical/Cationic Polymerizations Using Thioacetals as Key Components for Triblock, Periodic and Random Multiblock Copolymers with Thermoresponsiveness
M. Uchiyama, M. Osumi, K. Satoh, and M. Kamigaito,
Macromol. Rapid Commun., 42, 2100192 (2021).
Nonturbid Fast Temperature-Responsive Hydrogels with Homogeneous Three-Dimensional Networks by Two Types of Star Polymer Synthesis Methods
D. W. Kwon, Y. Jochi, Y. Okaya, T. Seki, K. Satoh, M. Kamigaito, T. Hoshino, K. Urayama, and Y. Takeoka,
Macromolecules, 54, 5750-5764 (2021).
Terpenoid-Derived Conjugated Dienes with exo-Methylene and a 6-Membered Ring: High Cationic Reactivity, Regioselective Living Cationic Polymerization, and Random and Block Copolymerization with Vinyl Ethers
T. Nishida, K. Satoh, M. Tamura, Y. Li, K. Tomishige, S. Caillol, V. Ladmiral, M. Vayer, F. Mahut, C. Sinturel, and M. Kamigaito,
Polym. Chem., 12, 1186-1198 (2021). [Front Cover]
Stereospecific Cationic RAFT Polymerization of Bulky Vinyl Ethers and Stereoblock Poly(vinyl Alcohol) via Mechanistic Transformation to Radical RAFT Polymerization of Vinyl Acetate
M. Uchiyama, K. Satoh, and M. Kamigaito,
Giant, 5, 100047 (2021).
Sequence-Regulated Vinyl Polymers via Iterative Atom Transfer Radical Additions and Acyclic Diene Metathesis Polymerization
M. Miyajima, K. Satoh, and M. Kamigaito,
Polym. Chem., 12, 423-431 (2021).
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Cationic RAFT Polymerization
M. Uchiyama, K. Satoh, and M. Kamigaito,
In "RAFT Polymerization: Methods, Synthesis, and Applications", G. Moad, E. Rizzardo eds., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2021, pp. 1171-1194.
佐藤浩太郎, 上垣外正己,
日本接着学会誌, 57(10), 418-425 (2021).