- Quantification of protein with sIngle molecule resolution.
- Engineering of a translation system.
- Evolution of engineered ribosomes that have high compatibility for various non-proteinogenic amino acids (e.g., D-amino acids, beta-amino acids)
<The details will be updated in near future.>
Some of the above projects used the following technologies.
Taniguchi, N; Nakayama, S; Kawakami, T.; Murakami, H.*, Patch cloning method for multiple site-directed and saturation mutagenesis. BMC Biotechnology 2013, 13:91.
Kawakami, T.*; Ishizawa, T.; Murakami, H.*, Extensive reprogramming of the genetic code for genetically encoded synthesis of highly N-alkylated polycyclic peptidomimetics. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 12297-304.
Kawakami, T.; Ishizawa, T.; Fujino, T.; Reid, P. C.; Suga, H.; Murakami, H.*, In Vitro Selection of Multiple Libraries Created by Genetic Code Reprogramming To Discover Macrocyclic Peptides That Antagonize VEGFR2 Activity in Living Cells. ACS Chemical Biology 2013.
Ishizawa, T.; Kawakami, T.; Reid, P. C.; Murakami, H.*, TRAP display: a high-speed selection method for the generation of functional polypeptides. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 5433-40.
Fujino, T.; Goto, Y.; Suga, H.; Murakami, H.*, Reevaluation of the d-Amino Acid Compatibility with the Elongation Event in Translation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 1830-7.
(Review Article) Kawakami, T.; Murakami, H.*, Genetically encoded libraries of nonstandard peptides. Journal of Nucleic Acids 2012, 2012, 713510.
Murakami, H.*; Ohta, A.; Suga, H.*, Bases in the anticodon loop of tRNA(Ala)(GGC) prevent misreading. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 2009, 16, (4), 353-8.