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We are developing and demonstrating molecular orientation and alignment methods to maximize the various functions of soft materials such as polymers and liquid crystalline materials. For example, we are developing the construction of optically and mechanically functional soft materials by forming and changing the micro-ordered structure, which mimic the organization of living organisms. We are also developing functional materials in which the mechanical properties of polysiloxane change as much as 100 million times. Moreover, we are also working on the creation of tough polymers using cyclic polymers, the development of environmentally and photo-responsive organic-inorganic hybrid materials, and the creation of new functional materials based on polymer organization.

Research Topics

  • High performance polymer gels and elastomers by controlling structure at the nanolevel
  • Development of novel photonic materials based on structure formation control
  • Interfacial organization and optical control of mesoscopic structures such as liquid crystals, polymers, and inorganic materials
  • Development of functional materials based on noverl material design of siloxane polymers

Details below
Associate Professor Yukikazu TakeokaLinkIconPersonal Website
Assistant Professor Mitsuo HaraLinkIconPersonal Website

Department of Molecular &
Macromolecular Cheimstry
Graduate School of Engineering
Nagoya University